1.A person who acts rather "obscure" or has odd tendencies.

2.People who sit on statue benches and act complete fools.

1:Elyssa: man look at Anna, shes acting like a total dweeb.
Anna:Well I would rather be a dweeb than someone whose boring.

2:Innocent bystander: Wow, they really are dweebs.
by Bohanbruster February 25, 2009
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An insult more outdated then the history textbooks in schools.
"You are such a Dweeb."
"Bitch, what the fuck? How old are you?"
by pebble225 April 1, 2016
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someone who watches anime
Isn't a dweeb someone who watches anime- Ardin 2017
by dhusiwifjdhhw October 18, 2017
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A term used by socially awkward people to convey affection, especially in response to adorable behavioural quirks
Emma - I really love Burleigh pottery
Jon - of course you do, you're such a Dweeb 😊
by Ravingnotion March 15, 2021
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a portmanteau for a "duck weeb," a weeb in the field of ducks (omg imagine a field of ducks), who have the powerful influence do anything, including but not limited to restore power after a blackout.
Haley is such a fucking dweeb.
by _Raven_ November 5, 2020
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A person who calls another person a dweeb. They do this to cover up the fact that they, themselves are the actual dweeb. They are normally very weird and have dimples in their cheeks. Also known as a "kathryn Chovanes."
Kathryn Chovanes is the biggest dweeb that I know
by MJSCHM November 4, 2009
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