
1. A slang name for a girl.
2. The female version of Dude.

3. Awesome, amazing, astounding.
Noun - That Dudette is awesome.

Adjective - You're a total Dudette!
by Cardasha August 28, 2019
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"Look at those fine dudettes who just came out of that rock n' roll concert!"
by Forturne Cokie August 30, 2004
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The female version of male version of "Dude". He's a dude and she's a dudette.
Three of my favorite dudettes were swinging down the street.
by Cal August 30, 2004
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a female dude
the nickname i got whilst on holiday from lil-dude
"yo, dudette"
"dudette, wanna go to the beach?"
by Mindy-Moo May 3, 2005
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The word "dude" with the suffix "ette," meaning a small dude, or a female dude

syn: dudine
"Your kid is a total dudette!"
by bmp April 16, 2005
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A dude of the female persuasion; a girl or woman
That dudette over there is checking you out.
by Laer August 30, 2004
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The hair from an elephants ass. Seriously. However, has gained a new slang form, the feminine form of "dude."
1. That elephant sure has a lot of dudettes.
2. I'm a dude, she's a dude, he's a dude, were all dudes hey! (goodburger)
by R August 29, 2004
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