A cross between an emo and a chav. The most common type of chemo tend to listen to 'emo music' such as MCR and Fallout Boy, but still dress chavy. (longsdale hoodies, trackies ect...)
The less existant type is the opposite, a person with a chav personality that dresses emo.
Chemo's dont usually slit their wrists and its seen to extreme.
A chemo can be a chav dresser that listens to emo music, or the other way round.
by curlypopz March 10, 2007
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A unique hybrid of a chinese and an emo. Pronounced with a "ch" sound, as in "child."
"Oh my God, Frank is SUCH a chemo!"

"Frank SO needs chemotherapy."
by CountCrazy007 April 29, 2006
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the new scene "trend" where mostly london kids sport scene hair like black & white, and combine it with chav favs like Nike & Adidas. They talk like chavs cause it's "well gangsta like tbh"..... even tho they're often middle-class/were victimized by chavs at school.

typical chemo myspace about me:

Eeeee, Rosie Rave

I'm safe as

ma life's mint atm

Lambrini in one hand, fag in tha other, ta

Gold earrings + Nike = dead fit

Gettin crunk & shaggin are propa niiice liek

But dnt call me a slag yer cunt

scenester: omg Sam Strange AP, let's go to that arty Frou Frou gig.

chemo: nah bruv alloooow it mayte, i'd rather see bmth tbf.

scenester: why not bby?

chemo: oli's well fittt liek lolz, propa br00t4l!
by kittttayyyy October 22, 2007
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A chemo or cheemo is a cross between a Chav and Emo it is not an extreme, think of it as democracy to communism and fascism,

generally friendly people who get along with others
a Chemo is a person who has taken a liking to both the emo side and chav side of life but does not belong to either extreme
by Dan Lazell May 2, 2008
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a cross between a chav and an emo or what happens when one turns into the other
that guy used to be such a chav, but ever since he met that emo girl he's turned into a right chemo
by linksy028 July 1, 2007
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1.A cross between a chav (a.k.a. a charva) and an emo, they listen to remixes of casalocos music and SOAD (System Of A Down) on continious loops. Wears baggy & black clothes with burberry caps.

2. A chinese emo.
A teenager that listens to casalocos on one CD player and his SOAD songs on another, both at the same time.
by DEADSiM2 May 2, 2005
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A shipping theory that is denied but then is later confirmed
Did you hear about that chemo involving Alan and Eduardo??? We all know they’re gonna date.
by MrMoseby February 19, 2020
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