When someone leaves bite marks with the hickey
Man did you see that Extreme Hickey Nicole gave Jacob?
by Toothpick 2013 September 6, 2010
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when breaking in new flip-flops, and the top part where it makes a "V" rubs against the top of your foot thus giving u a hickey in the top of your foot
"u've got somethign on your foot there"

"nah just my flip-flop hickey"
by kiddo19 April 15, 2009
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One might use this phrase to cover up cheating on a boyfriend... Simply tell others the hickeys on your neck are from a girl's sneaker stepping on your chest during cheer-leading practice.
Afryca: What is that all over your neck and chest?
Chyna: Oh..uh.. just sneaker hickeys from the football game.
Afryca: ...Right.
by lalalalaliar December 16, 2010
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when you trip and days later it forms a round purple bump that hurts sometimes
ah damn it fuck my asshole i got a floor hickey it hurts so badly
by toilet struggler October 2, 2021
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A hickey they can only be given by a bigger girl with gapped teeth some of them lasted for two years and have been known to be confused with birthmarks
Amanda catoe gave me a buffalo hickey last night
by Little mike campbell October 6, 2021
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A buffalo hickey was founded in Nob Hill Arkansas now it's true Origins is still a mystery but it went viral in China eventually spreading all over the world. The ability to be able to a buffalo hickey only seems to thrive in bigger women.. but it is a hickey that can last up to two and a half years sometimes people even confuse them with birthmarks be sure you're not rocking a buffalo hickey
Amanda cato ruined my marriage when she left this buffalo hickey on my chest.. my wife tried to avoid looking at it for 6 months before leaving
by Don bryant October 6, 2021
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