Yo, you ever heard of the CD? The Crimson Dawn? They game pretty hard
by Ddddpppp October 11, 2020
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"dude wanna swap CDs?"
"yea bro"
by fuck same November 14, 2015
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Can't do shit
My boss has CDS. He doesn't even know how to print a document.

Is she late? Does she have inspirational lines in her email signature? Or does she suffer from CDS in general.

I've been in bed watching netflix alone all day. I think I might have CDS.
by kaptein_hook September 4, 2018
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Coronavirus Derangement Syndrome, when someone doesn't actually listen to what a person is saying or writing, but instead accuses them of wanting to kill nurses, babies, small animals, even though they agreed the virus is bad, but their family can't afford to buy bread, so they want to reopen the economy.
Karen obviously suffers from CDS, she just wish 10 people death because they want to go fishing by themselves during the pandemic.
by Dan Montgomery April 30, 2020
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