When you take the sweat off your balls and wipe it on somebody's face.
Man its hot im going to swipe you.
by Vahue July 8, 2005
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"he definitely swiped her v card last night"

"was that the guy who swiped you?"

"i got swiped on a bathroom floor when i was 13"

"oh shit ho! you just got swiped"
by Monica Lewinsky III April 11, 2007
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Enviously large penis
Kyle?? He's gotta good lookin' Johnson. Yeah, and talk about hangtime,man..he got hella swipe!
by Not Mary May 20, 2018
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What my kitty does to me when i turn my back! mistress kat is a cruel swipist who slashes ribbons into my flesh!
shing........SWIPE! reowr!
by da hood' January 3, 2005
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a person acting like that of turds that have been wiped off the buttox on to toilet paper. Gross, disgusting, having no brain function.
Quit acting like a f*cking 'swipe'!
by starrbutton October 26, 2008
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A Pacific Hills term that referred it as a Penis but most of the time it meant large Penis.
" Hey don't blame me if you got no swipe"
by Darth Leah July 29, 2006
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Referring to stealing. Like swiper from Dora, your basically taking something in a sneaky manner.
I'm about swipe a eyeliner from in there.

I just swiped that candy bar from in there.
by trillestxx January 23, 2014
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