September 14 - A day dedicated to celebrating and appreciating the contributions and accomplishments of straight white girls.
Happy straight white girl appreciation day!
by depressedflowervase September 13, 2023
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Some of the most hated people. They get treated like shit even though straight white men are the people who invented most of everything in the entire world.
Jerry: Dumbass cisgender neurotypical heterosexual white skinned men, i hate them!
Bill Gates (a Straight White Man): Nobody cares
by Lexfunni October 16, 2023
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a prime example of this word is that one man thats sits in your class and thinks he an "alpha" luke roberts
by ihatestraightwhitemen December 7, 2022
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when youre running around the mall and shitting everywhere but cant control the stream that is coming out of dat booty. but then it stops and you get abducted by chinese dragons. and then the dragons buy you stomach juice at walmart.
guy1 - what did you do last night?
guy2 - i was just boolin like a straight white asian alien walmart employee
by booty42069 April 24, 2018
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