A common human phonomena involving the accidental consumption of a brick and the subsequent painful excretion of the brick out the anus. This event usually happens to someone at least once in their lifespan especially in younger years as inexperienced humans are more likely to consume this mesmerizing block of cinder,mistaking it as food.

It is often mentioned in job applications or by boastful humans as it is viewed in western culture as a sign of experience,being weathered in this world and having painfully excreted a brick,endured the pain and learned their lesson.
Young deviant: Oh what do you know you old idiot?
Middle-aged man: I know more than you,you sorry pile of shit. Have you ever shit a brick?? Have you? No I didn't think so. Sit the fuck down.
by handosome May 19, 2015
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A serious case of constipation;
an expression of shock.
Guy 1: Aw, jeez! I shouldn't have ate all that food... I'm shitting a brick here!

Guy 1: When you bid on that son-of-a-bitch, I almost shit a brick!
by Drake Aldan March 9, 2003
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An item that is damaged beyond repair, or an item that dies/ceases to function without warning.
This morning on the way to work, my car "shit a brick"
by Lovesexy May 17, 2005
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When somthing bad happens and you are the person in trouble for it
"Dude all the teachers know that you keep your weed in the bathroom"

"awww are u kiddin me SHIT A BRICK
by NIKOLASI February 24, 2009
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to abandon or run from away from something in fear of being caught.
That arsehole shit a brick! Waste him!
by Veebad March 2, 2004
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I feel like I'm going to shit a brick sideways!!!

Man my ass hurts, I just shit a brick sideways.
by HDR February 5, 2004
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A phrase to describe something that makes you so livid that you can't compose coherent thoughts, something astounding. Another way to say "are you FUCKING kidding me?!"

Person A: "I got hit in the face with a snowball and now my parents are suing the school."
Person B: "That's absurd! Are you shitting my bricks?!?" OR "seriously? Don't shit my bricks."
by TwoPYBiddies January 22, 2014
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