A term that sums up the general stupidification of America. There was a time when Darwinism would weed out the weak and slow. Then the lawyers, lawsuits, rules, signs, warnings on coffee cups, "Click it or Ticket" and a thousand other things we have to deal with on a daily basis were brought on. Making sure even the laziest and biggest moron could not only function but maybe make a couple million bucks with a frivolous lawsuit.
The TSA is so wildly fucking renoed that they are attempting to enforce rules that never made sense and they are not even smart enough to either actually enforce them or understand them.

When someone hands you a steaming cup of coffee and the cup has text stating "contents may be hot" it is renoed. A more demanding population would ask that there be some words of wisdom rather than a statement saying that your hot drink might be hot.
by gotrenoed? June 18, 2011
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Reno is a prominent member of the Turks, ranking directly below Tseng. He sports a lanky physique, and unkempt red hair terminating in a long pony-tail. In Final Fantasy VII he has two symmetrical red tattoos across his cheekbones. He is always seen wearing goggles on his forehead. He is also much less attentive to dress code than his colleagues. He wears the Turks uniform but with his jacket unzipped and his shirt untucked and open-necked without a tie. He uses a retractable, metallic stun baton, called an Electro-Mag Rod, as a weapon. He is characterized as cocky, cynical, and somewhat lazy, but is highly skilled and takes pride in his work. Reno also has a penchant for gossiping and is a competent helicopter pilot. In the Japanese version of Final Fantasy VII and Advent Children, he is portrayed as being somewhat less cynical, clumsy and more of a comical character. Although his fighting skills are far above the level of a normal human, he is defeated with relative ease by Yazoo.

Reno is first encountered in Final Fantasy VII when he enters a derelict church in the slums of Midgar's Sector 5 in an attempt to capture Aerith (where he instructs his subordinates to be careful not to step on the flowers after stepping on them himself). Not long after, he activates the bombs that blow up the Sector 7 support pillar before having a brief battle with Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart and Barret Wallace. This fight leaves him temporarily incapacitated. He can be seen in a bar at Junon, and later reappears outside of Gongaga with his long-time partner, Rude, having been assigned to intercept AVALANCHE. Despite the rivalry between the two groups, he is not beyond teaming up with Cloud and his companions in Wutai, where both parties had to work together after each had a member kidnapped by Don Corneo. After this incident, Reno's group receives new orders to search for Cloud but Reno decides not to fight Cloud on the pretext of being off duty. Near the end of Disc Two of Final Fantasy VII, the player has the option to fight Elena, Reno, and Rude, or refuse the battle. In either case the Turks survive, so there is no clear canonical outcome to this situation.

Reno has a prominent role in Advent Children. Consistent with his attitude at the end of the original Final Fantasy VII, Reno possesses no true hostility towards his former enemies. As of Advent Children, the Turks are on the same side as AVALANCHE and join the fight against the film's villains. Reno and Rude primarily serve as the film's comic relief. His comical role in Advent Children includes being locked out while Cloud and Rufus have an important talk, bringing out his weapon and accidentally hitting Rude in the head, being knocked back several hundred feet by Yazoo and landing on Rude, climbing a building to save Rufus and using Rude's shoulder as support, stepping on and crushing Rude's trademark sunglasses, having a child stick his fingers up his nose while rescuing him from Bahamut SIN, and apologizing to Loz and Yazoo for insulting Jenova before realizing what he said. He also finds comedy in his and Rude's end, near-suicide bombing a highway tunnel's exit to block Loz and Yazoo's pursuit of Cloud during the final chase, saying it's a good thing the bombs are Shinra's flashiest brand. They both survive the explosion unscathed, though how is unknown.

In the Kingdom Hearts series, a character appeared that had similarities to Reno appeared. Axel, a member of the Organization XIII was inspired by Reno's character concept. They have similar appearance, same personality, and are voiced by the same actors in the English and Japanese versions.

He is voiced by Keiji Fujiwara in the Japanese version of "Advent Children" and "Crisis Core" with Quinton Flynn voicing him in the English versions.
by LittleYaoiDevil January 3, 2009
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Biggest little city in the world...

1. Place to go if you can't go to vegas
2. Place to go if Satan doesn't have room in hell
3. Place to go to get your ass shot up by white people in pink short shorts
4. Place to go if your into sick skating gaps
5. Place where rich and poor people live in different parts of the city and attend the same school
6. Place to go to see some rich kid slam on a poor kid
7. Place to go to see the rich kid get his ass handed to him
8. Place to go if your under 18 and wanna get into a strip club or Bully's
9. Place to go
Read definition number 9... Reno is like spanish for reindeer or something... Reno is a bad ass final fantasy character... if you add a b to the end of reno and flip it backwards... you get Boner...
by Isfar December 24, 2007
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Reno is one of the most arragont, annoying boys you will meet. They will usually try to hide their smartness and their feelings. Eventhough of his annoying personality, Reno is very popular with the girls and will be known as a fuck boy to most. If he were to date he will usually goes for someone older. If you ever date a Reno you should consider yourself lucky since he also has a loving side many don't see.
The new boy is class is a mega Reno.

No one can contain the beast, Reno.

Reno was amazing in the sheets; had me going ten times.
by Allienish October 26, 2018
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The creepy, cheap, old and dirty version of Las Vegas.
You really have to be desperate and broke to go to Reno rather than Las Vegas.
by THE!CANADIANA! August 24, 2010
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(A) Reno is whatever you imagine it to be, A Reno can be a noun, verb, adjective, or even a time. It requires a thoughtful and long self journey to success to figure out what it means, it may take decades for some to figure it out.
Yo That guy is definitely a Reno.

Do you know how to Reno?

I just Renoed everywhere.
by alchino November 3, 2019
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