Receptive - often used with regards to being receptive to music and other types of performance
The first act got the crowd open for the headliners
by Jar3tt March 28, 2008
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To blaze or to perform outstandingly in a competition or task.
Did you see Bolt in the Olympics. The guy opened bra
by ackimnanine July 3, 2011
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When you arrive to the bar to meet people, and you are well behind them in terms of alcohol consumption. You order an Opener. An Opener is generally a triple shot of any hard liquor in a pint glass and topped up to the brim with a mixer of some kind. My personal fave is Triple Vodka + Club Lemon. This slang is common to the Mid-lands of Ireland.
Barkeep: What can I get ya?
Risteard: I fancy an opener...hmmm...make it JD and Coke.
Barkeep: One opener coming up!

The Barkeep may or may not be Risteard's brother.
by CJ2daK September 3, 2008
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Any tool used to open cans or bottles.
Does anyone have an openator? This beer isn't a twist-off.
by Doctress Julia September 4, 2009
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To be intoxicated on marijuana , or someone who has no sense of what their actions are about; either making dumb comments or being ephiphany of studipidy
Man Toni you are open right now, take a chill pill homie.
by Calvin Secrest November 9, 2007
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my my, those are a nice pair of legs...what time do they opem!?

by fran xox August 9, 2004
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