The act of making a lane change in a moving vehicle, while placing your turn signal on for one, but no more than two blinks to alert the other driver that you are in the process of cutting them off.
You need to make a lane change; however, if you place your turn signal on for too long other drivers will not let you in the lane.

Instead, you check to see that you can get into the lane, place your turn signal on, and immediately possess the lane. Therefore, giving the other driver a courtesy heads up that you are cutting them off. Hence, courtesy cut-off.
by scriptdesigner August 23, 2009
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To be denied access to the crapper when your fit to burst. On entering the toilet with bungles right arm busting to get out, only to discover the only cubicle is already occupied. Leave
Man I can't believe it I was holding a 2lb turd in the locker only to get cut off at the pass
by zeerman January 19, 2011
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Intentionally blocking a driver's access to his desired lane.
You are cut off - traffic -wise, when you notice that the lane you're in is slowing and the lane beside you is clear, you put on your blinker but the son-of-a-two-bit-thief-whore behind you accelerates and pulls around without signalling.

He has thus "cut you off" from your rightful place in traffic, since inevitably the cars behind him will follow his example and you are hopelessly stuck in the slower lane.

***This is not to be confused with purely idiotic driving. There are many situations where slower moving traffic moves into your lane ahead of you. This may cause you to be cut off by those behind you, but the act of getting in front of someone who is going faster than you is not so malicious as it is plain idiocy.

Please, use this term correctly. There is a special place in hell for people who intentionally cut off other people when clearly that person wanted to use the next lane as well.
by My Rill Name March 9, 2012
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A moan by a female in which they will moan often to the point the moan is cut off by another moan.
Brad: You see that one porno with that chick?
Chad: Yea she had a cut off moan.
by Moanser March 10, 2019
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This is like saying fuck you to someone, or like telling them that you dont fuck with them anymore (you dont associate with them).

This phrase is best said when somebody is trying to explain themselves to you for doing something foul, but you literally cut them off in the middle of it by saying this.
You went and got her a big elephant even though I WAS THE ONE who found out she loves elephants and I was gonna buy her a small one for her birthday?? Thats foul, man... YOURE CUT OFF!!!
by TheBx41 September 17, 2012
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The point reached in the day when it's too late to get any from the opposite sex. Usually applies after a long day at work.
Boy: Girl, I know you alone tonight.
Girl: It's cut off time. Hit me on the weekend.
by CreeperStash January 29, 2008
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When two women, of the lesbian variety, are performing the scissoring act on one and other, a male, preferably with a large penis lays flat beneath the two females and has his penis massaged by the two clashing females. This does not effect the male in a stimulating manner, but is more favored for bragging rights.
"I was lying there with a massive erection, when two chicks started scissoring on top of me. I totally was gettin it cut off.... It was awesome."
by The Cool Kids from Anchorage October 2, 2009
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