The antonym of classy. Etymology stems from the Hong Kong Restaurant and Lounge in Harvard Square where Harvard students go to drink off their awkwardness.
Seriously, the Kirkland Spring Formal was so kong; some girl spilled her drink and slurped it off the bar.
by Fingadoo22 May 11, 2007
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Street slang for a friend or companion. Can be used to refer to mostly any male in the common populace.
"Yo, waddup kong?"

bro, brudda, brah, brutha, boss, bowss, mate.
by Silverbacks December 11, 2009
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A small asian man boy who gets a mani/pedi while wearing girl pants and getting his eyebrows waxed.
"that man is disgustingly metro, you might even say he's a kong"
by Johny Hopkins January 11, 2010
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yoooooo, that hoe last night went straight hurricane on my kong and i busted a level 8 on the dickter scale
by Rule King October 20, 2003
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The good looking guy you can find @ undernet!
by Admin July 28, 2003
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While banging your ho doggy style, you wait till you cum. Then you repeatedly pummel her kidneys with as much force as you can muster while letting loose your best impersonation of an angry King Kong.
I'd kong Kate from Kate's Playground in a heartbeat.
Konging is the gerund form of the infinitive to kong.
by Necessary January 20, 2006
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A gay / homo who likes to have sexual interaction with dolls.

A 'Kong' also likes to sing girly songs and wear mini skirts, usually very ugly.
"Omg, are you doing KONG?!"


"Stop being such a Kong.."

"Stop singing.. goddamn Kong."
by CruciaI March 31, 2008
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