Illogical Supply
by Swagmaster3000WOOP! October 26, 2013
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“Hey! Who’s that one tiktoker you watch?”
“Do you mean illogical..logic”
by honeymorganmoon September 6, 2021
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The preacher's theo-illogical explanation of sexual relationships was laughable.
by Hymenite November 18, 2018
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Not logic. Process of arriving at an answer without logic. Similar to illogical.
Your illogic is cause of argument.
by real7777 September 21, 2017
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A gemstone that can only be found at the heart of a collapsed star. It can break the laws of physics, bend space-time, create copies of matter, and basically anything else that’s ‘impossible’.
“Man, I hate Newton’s first law of motion...”
“You wanna borrow my Illogical Stone?”
“Yeah, sure!”
(Reverses Newton’s first Law of Motion)
“Thanks, Franklin!”
“Anytime, Adams!”
by Josh Ceeven March 5, 2019
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