A vehicle driven by stuck-up wealthy people for leisure, or by people who need to drive over rugged terrain. A cheap rip-off of the military Humvee. The $50,000-ish Hummer H2 is more popular than the $120,000 Hummer H1.
Haha, look at that moron in the Hummer. Doubt he ever actually uses it on rough terrain, that poor fuck.
by Anonymous August 16, 2003
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n. - slang for a musician or aspiring composer lacking classical training. you might call it a come from behind, cinderella story, or you could say it's a joke.
danny elfman

"life's a bummer, when you're a hummer" -Hummer, Smashing Pumpkins
by b. simpson May 24, 2007
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1. A stupid ugly piece of shit of an SUV driven by brain-dead soccer-moms and pathetic richboys who'd crap their pants if they ever drove off-road. Some are even given dubs and other idiotic crapola. Usually these pieces of shit can be found in the parking lots of malls and starbucks.

2. A blowjob
1. 10 bucks that hummer only sees off-road when that dumb bitch backs into a flowerbed.

2. Mary gave me a damn good hummer last night.
by Dennisisevil October 19, 2005
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A spasticated, wannabe, faggotmobile civilian copycat military vehicle.
''Damn lad, what the fuck you doing in that? Where'dya nick it? The RAF base? You fuckin pussy!''
by rafa May 6, 2003
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A blow job that incorporates humming, moaning or any other type of noise that creates slight vibrations in the throat heightening the entire experience for the suck-ee.
by lick a lotta spokes February 1, 2005
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When a girl goes down on a guy and makes his willy want to cry while mumming.
Angel gives GREAT hummer, not your mom.
by Duckiee June 27, 2006
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More than a blowjob; it's when a girl, or guy (men are capable of doing this too!) actually hums (thus vibrating her lips) when her mouth has encased your engorged penis or balls.
by helen May 6, 2005
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