Quite possibly the best and most enjoyable music genre that ever came into existance. Synonymous with many of the following:

Energetic, keyboard-driven rock songs
Themes of love and togetherness
Big, poofy hairstyles
High-pitched vocals
And of course - SPANDEX PANTS!

Hair metal originated in the mid 1980s and died out when hip-hop began to dominate the majority of the 1990s. Such a shame.
One word: EUROPE!

# "It's the Final Countdoooooooown!" #
by Mika June 9, 2004
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A band of the hard rock or heavy metal variety associated with the 1980s, even if from the early 90s (as was the case with Damn Yankees, Mr. Big, Nelson) "Hair metal" was a term not coined until well into the 90s, but roughly covers what was known in the 80s as "glam metal".

Self-proclaimed haters of hair metal try to define the genre as music with all focus on image, and contrast it with grunge. Yet in grunge, the lack of aesthetics became a trendy enforced look itself, and the scene never produced any virtuoso "musician's musicians". Many credit Nirvana and grunge with the "death" of hair metal, but this is historically inaccurate, as hair metal's loss of popularity was mainly due to 1) sudden denial by radio stations and Mtv of any airplay or promotion, and 2) unrelated pitfalls of many key bands in a very short time span: Ozzy Osbourne had announced retirement, inner conflict led to Guns n' Roses' break-up, too many years taken off in between some band's albums (Metallica, Alice Cooper, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Def Leppard), while other bands lost prominent members (Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Poison).

Most hair metal bands in fact continued to put out albums and play small venues throughout the 1990s, finding promotion via the internet, college radio, and the work of loyal fans. Ironically, it then became a much more anti-corporate, "alternative" form of music than the 90s pop music that was still being called "alternative".
"Haha, look at all that hair metal. I hate anything that came out of the 80s."
"Wait a minute, didn't you just buy the latest CDs from Guns n' Roses, Aerosmith, and Metallica?"
"Yeah, but those bands don't count as hair metal because, um, you know. Er, uhhhh...hey what's on TV tonight?"
by Bill M. July 24, 2004
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To me,and many others,an acceptional form of music that many,many people listen to and the ignorant yuppies and preps oftoday call "noise".Fashioned in the early 1980's in the L.A. music scene,with most people finding this type of Genre to be "wretched,vile and awful",as every type of music Genre has.Not just sell-outs listen to it.I've seen goth people listen to it(don't start saying they're posers,because whatever "clique" you're apart of doesn't mean you HAVE to listen to the type of music assoated with that particular clique,listen to whatever you want).Such bands that might fit in maybe: Motley Crue,Whitesnake,Poison,Hanoi Rocks,Faster Pussycat,David Lee Roth,Def Leppard,Loudness,Quiet Riot,Ratt,LA Guns,KISS,Lita Ford,Femme Fatal,White Lion,Daddy Yankee,W.A.S.P. and may others.And if you're going to trash a form of music,PLEASE listen to more than ONE song.Try to listen to more than that.Thank you for your time and have a nice day :D
Metal Mania(a show on VH1 Classic) deals with classic rock,hair metal and heavy metal from possibly the 60's-80's and a little bit into the 90's.As well into today with the bands from back then with new materal or in concerts recently.
by 1993MetalHead August 31, 2009
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A natural evolution of glam rock. Noted by their hairspray addictions and spandex trousers hair metal bands first arose on both sides of the Atlantic in the mid 1980's through bands such as Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Wrathchild and LA Guns. Reached a high in the late 80's as the principle form of commercial rock expression before becoming unfashionable with the arrival of grunge in the early 1990's. I never went away and is now undergoing something of a revival through bands such as The Darkness.
Must hear hair metal bands include:-
Poison, Motley Crue, Wrathchild, Smashed Gladys, Pretty Boy Floyd, Love Hate, Girl, Tigertailz, Rankelsson, Hanoi Rocks, Dog's D'Amour, The Quireboys, L.A. Guns, Torme, Tora Tora, The Darkness and Underneath What.
by black flag June 28, 2004
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Hair Metal=Glam Metal!
And Glam Was Actually Real Rock N Roll

if you dont know Rock N Roll IS ABOUT Happines!
Not Some Crap Like Grunge And All Other Alternative Music
about sadness and suicide

alll alternative music Listeners

Please Suicide!
Fuckers!Just die

Hair Metal=Glam Metal!
And Glam Was Actually Real Rock N Roll
by 80srocker August 23, 2009
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The best Rock in the Fuckng world!!! In the 80's it was all about leather, make-up, and big hair. The music was pure, great music, that talked about the good times in life. Nothing can kill Hair Metal, it will always ive on! Also known as Glam Metal.
Examples of Hair Metal Bands:
Motley Crue
Faster Pussycat
L.A. Guns
Skid Row
Twisted Sister
White Lion
Motley Crue is the best fucking hair metal band ever!!!
Long Live Motley Crue!!!
by NikkiSixxRules October 7, 2006
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Hair metal is a sub genre of heavy metal which is more chart-oriented than a lot of other rock music. It's often criticised for being entirely based on image and for the musicians being crap. However, the truth is that all genres of music have an associated image; even grunge has its own anti-fashions. The image of the hair metal bands was tight spandex or leather trousers, eye makeup, and long, dyed black or blonde hair, styled with lots of spray to make it look bigger. The required effect was to look like a slightly ugly girl, or in the case of some, a rather attractive girl. In fact, the Aerosmith song Dude Looks Like A Lady was written about Vince Neil, the singer from Motley Crue.

The hair metal genre started because a generation of young people were influenced by Aerosmith and the New York Dolls. Bands in the genre include Hanoi Rocks, Motley Crue, Skid Row, Europe, Bon Jovi (more for the sound than the image) and even Aerosmith themselves when they made their late 80s comeback. To clear up any misunderstandings: Guns N' Roses originally came from the hair metal scene, but had more success than a lot of the other bands because their music was more varied in style and in the theme of the lyrics, so they appealed to people who didn't like hair metal. I would say that GNR are probably the crossover point between hair metal and straight-up heavy metal.

Grunge is said to have killed hair metal, however,many of the hair metal bands are now making a comeback with reunion tours and new albums. The exceptions to this are Bon Jovi, who survived the 90s with a similar amount of success to before, and Guns N' Roses, who basically would have imploded whatever else was going on in the music scene.

Generally the hair metal bands tended to be quite badly behaved- at some point, a lot of the musicians have been involved in drug addiction or alcoholism. For example, during the late 80s every single member of both Motley Crue and Guns N' Roses was addicted to either heroin or alcohol, and Slash was addicted to both, drinking two bottles of whisky every day. Nikki Sixx actually died in an ambulance after a heroin overdose, but was revived with an injection of adrenaline into his heart. This led to the album 'Kickstart My Heart'.

Hair metal tends not to be taken seriously as a genre of music because its lyrics are seen as offensive or stupid. The songs often sound very similar to each other, and there is in fact a particular 'whiny' style of guitar solo that is recognisable in a lot of these songs, although this is partly due to several of the most famous guitarists all using Gibson Les Paul guitars. To be honest, I think that music is there to be enjoyed, and hair metal was written by young guys who wanted to have a good time. It just happens that like a lot of young guys, their idea of fun was to go out and drink, party and get girls. Also- if you don't like it, you don't have to listen to it!
1. Girls, Girls, Girls by Motley Crue is a perfect example of a hair metal song- the video has strippers and motorbikes.

2. The hair metal image of big hair and tight trousers is being brought back by bands such as Towers of London.
by gembird November 26, 2006
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