LTC Wicker asked me to wear my kevlar. I just laughed and said FTA
by JuggaloXtreme November 23, 2003
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everytime you see a Amish person or Amish on the road scream "FTA" or even better " Fuck the amish!"
by Riley Ricketts November 27, 2019
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Fetah or Eff-Tee-Aye

This politically correct acronym for "Found that amusing" is completely synonymous with "LOL" in all ways but one,
it does not require the FTA-er to laugh or lie about laughing like most LOL-ers do. Used for smile worthy jokes/comments but not necessarily (however not excluding) laugh worthy jokes/comments.

Like LOL, it is an anti-awkward conversation prevention device.
FTA, or a penguin butler!
by deadpunhumor January 25, 2012
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its an acronym that stands for "FOR THE ALLIANCE!!!"
C'mon Emma!!! FTA!!!!
by Robert Carruthers February 21, 2008
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Hotness scale abbreviation of face,tits,ass.
You rate 1-10 in each category: face tits and ass
"I fta'd mexican women at Costco.surprisingly one reached an 8"
by alekzia September 3, 2007
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A club or selective group that consists of five gay as cunts that think they're the shittt. There all discusting.One hooks up with a gothic whore form peters. Onee never hit puberty and thinks hes like ghetto fabulous. And krumps like a person suffering from terrrets. Onee weighs three hundred pounds and has peperoni tits, you could make a pizza out of those bad boys. One whose legs are hairy as sages pussy and the last one is annyoing as fuckk. Onee thinks hes the bombbb diggity and he has a tiny dick. The last onee thinks hes soo hott but hes a dickheadd. TWO out of the five have decent CHODESS, i mean cmon.
Wow those FTA kids need to get a life and stop posting shit on
by HATAAS 69 January 17, 2008
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