A poor mans fuck. Usually used by people who have had a bad education and like to fight with people for no apparant reason- see chavvy
by Jonny Weldon January 12, 2004
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Yea dude ! it was the funniest thing ha ha ha
oops you did it again, and now its on my dick.
by vectrex June 18, 2003
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did you really fock some girl and she bled out of her vigina and then accuse her of having hiv!?!? this shit is wild!
by Anonymous June 11, 2003
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1: 'Allo, old chap, 'ave you seen the bloody results of the football match?

2: Arsenal lost, I'm afraid.

by Nizzle Chrizzle Puzzle June 8, 2010
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It’s a way so say to someone that you want them to come closer
I just want you to just fock in.
I think you should fock in
by Hey max July 8, 2018
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a substitute for the word 'fucking' which will not set off work place filters;

intensifier, very colloquial;
what took you so focking long?
by familyfeedbag January 24, 2011
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Stephy says:

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
you look shocked

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
you can' be that surprised

Stephy says:
no im not

Stephy says:
im faking shocked... 'focked'

Stephy says:

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
you're focked?

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
you've focked yourself?

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
i'm shocked

Stephy says:

Stephy says:
are you really shocked or just pretending?

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
i don't know

Stephy says:
because if youre just pretending

Stephy says:
then you're focked too

Stephy says:

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
are you saying you focked me?

Stephy says:

Stephy says:

Stephy says:
i believe so

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
i didn't even notice

Stephy says:

Stephy says:
that needs to go in urban dicionary

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
may already be there

Stephy says:
lol but not under the meaning 'fake shocked'
by fizzbog January 18, 2008
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