Wat The Fuck

used in instant messaging when somthing is random also c LMAFO
<person 1> W T F is he on
<person 2> Ur Mum
by chris boof November 6, 2006
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The same meaning as "What the fuck," just saying the letters out. Mostly Australians use it, but it sounds funny as hell.
Bob: Hey man, did you see that girl last night?

Sticky: W-T-F man, you went to the club without me?
by Ukyo Hikuraga. March 16, 2005
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Gym, Tan, Find out which strange guys Sammi's texting!
Jersey Shore quote from Pauly D
G,T,F is a new creative thing Pauly is known for!
by Meowersss April 8, 2011
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“Too- tired- to- fuck”. Not being able to fuck because your sorry ass cannot get your dick up due to over exertion.
I was out drinking with the homies all night and my girlfriend was expecting the dick, but I was “Triple T-F at that point
by PHOENIXKID October 7, 2021
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Days of the week abbreviation: (W)ednesday (T)hursday (F)riday
A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F ...
by mtf November 14, 2011
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Person 1- Hey, 123 told me that your coming to the party, t/f/ns?
by n0l1f3r-h4lf October 10, 2019
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