a fuckin leftist political party in Hong Kong with support from Chinese Communist Party
"DAB stands for Demorcacy According to Beijing. " Martin Lee said
by EC April 26, 2005
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To give a sharp nod to your raised four arm. Dancing with sharp nods repeated. Dab on those fools. To acknowledge, agree upon stunt on.
Once I get inside the club imma just be dabbing in on them fool.
by Honey301 November 23, 2015
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A term used in bouldering (rock-climbing on boulders) to denote hitting the floor or a friend with a body part while climbing. A dab can allow a climber to continue instead of falling off, so is regarded as invalidating an ascent (or "send")
Dab!!!111 You totally dabbed you dabbing dabber!! INVALID!
by Palomides June 15, 2006
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Person 1: "I'm going chippy, want anything?"
Person 2: "Large chips and a dab."
by Teya May 26, 2007
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to stay off the nose candy for awhile, but then every now and then you "dab"
by Panda March 29, 2003
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Something extremely overdone that is annoying to no end.
Idiot 1: Hey bro, look at my beastly dabbing!
*Idiot 1 does the dab*

Idiot 2: Oh lololol that looks so dabbish check out mine
*Idiot 2 messes up and slams his elbow into the wall*

Idiot 2: Oh shi--

Idiot 1: Slick...
by wat-y? April 2, 2016
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guy 1: yo, where u goin for spring break?
guy 2: im hittin up DAB. it gets crazy down there.
by Fred87 June 24, 2009
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