n. an unofficial recording of a concert

This term originated with smugglers and thieves who would hide things in the leg of their boots. It evolved to mean a pirated version of something. Some liberal bands such as the Grateful Dead, and more recently Phish and Pearl Jam allow fans to record their concerts, and distibute these recordings freely as long as they are not sold. Fans refer to such recordings as "bootlegs", even though they are legal.
Hey man, I got this funky Phish bootleg from Roseland, hook me up with that Europe '72 Dead show and I'll burn you a copy.
by Webster Papadopolous July 11, 2004
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A substitution, usually of lesser quality, than the real item or experience. Usually done when the real thing is unaffordable or if one is too lazy to do things the right way.
Boy: I couldn't find my toothbrush this morning so I used my finger.
Girl: That's bootleg
by Anthony's sister August 29, 2006
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pirated material, usually media (DVDs, CDs, MP3s) and software of lower quality that the original. Bootleg (movie)DVDs and (music/software) CDs can be found by going onto a street corner of any major city and there you will find a guy selling them out of his trunk of just sitting on a street corner on top of a blanket selling. Pirated material can also be found on the Internet using such p2p applications such as limewire, emule, and bittorrent.

The term "bootleg" comes from back in the day when people used to wear boots that came up to your knees and they would steal whiskey by sticking it in there "boot-leg".
-Dude, i want to see Starwars episode 3 but its not in theaters until Sunday
-Well i got a copy of it bootleg at the crib
-Im coming over!
by alt coder October 22, 2005
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The next best way of getting what you need when the corporations decide to hog their shit.
I had to download bootlegs of every Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo game I was never able to play back when they were available.
by AYB March 8, 2003
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Bootleg - Something that is illegally copied distributed or sold without permission from the copyright or trademark owner.

A counterfeit of an official product or a fake product that does not exist.
That DVD is a bootleg
by bgfbhfhfgghnfhfhffh June 18, 2021
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bootleg is a noun referring to the name of the pornstar who works with ghetto gaggers.
dude, bootleg is legit... do you see how he facefucks those girls? he gives them no mercy!
by boot leg ;P March 10, 2015
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A describing word for something that sux or is bad.
Also can be used as "Boot-legger" to describe a slacker.
This shit is bootleg, maan! Lets get up outta herre
by Heatha September 16, 2003
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