The highest degree of asshole. Must not be confused with the opposite of asshole. If confused with the opposite of asshole, refer to pink panther ..... (gay) pink ..;)
Alpha males are the most interesting men in the world <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
by TheWomenWithA's April 21, 2020
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An alpha male is, to put it in the most simplest way, powerful. That's it--the more powerful a male, the more of an alpha male he is. This power roots from his superior intelligence, as well as his superior physical stature.

People often associate the term "alpha male" with this sort of openly-overconfident male who is an outgoing extrovert. This isn't true. The allpha male would not have to rely on such socialising to attract people; the male who attracts people despite staying out of the spotlight and remaining silent is the real alpha male.
You're walking down the street and cross paths with a fairly muscular guy in dark clothes, looking down, right into your eyes so intimidatingly. He looks so quiet and reserved, yet so confident and definite. That guy was an alpha male and you probably now wanna get ravished by him in bed.
by IamMRAnonymous923 January 25, 2015
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A man who leads with intellectual wisdom and altruism, not with physical strength or gallantry.
Jesus, Aristotle, Gandhi, Einstein, and Nikola Tesla are examples of an alpha male.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 7, 2022
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A alpha male is the dominate one in the group. Never to be messed with.
Wow Cloud 9 Mendokusaii is such an alpha male I wish I was as cool as him
by Jackzun January 16, 2017
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A defence mechanism used by men who are unable to compete in one or more arenas of modern society, and so must compensate by subscribing to an outdated and and obsolete notion of masculinity. The moniker of "alpha male" is most often bestowed onto the man by himself, rather than an outside source.
Society: You can't have sex with that woman because she already has a boyfriend.

Alpha Male: But I'm an Alpha Male and he's at least 3 inches shorter than me! This is too hard! Why can't it be 10,000 BC again?
by SubmarineTragedy February 4, 2018
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A cocky, obnoxious dude who is insecure and deals with people by putting them down. He is small so he acts big. Often these flaws come from his immaturity and low social status. They have no real power so they feel the need to exude jock male attributes to put themselves over.
I hate how John Doe treats people, he's such an alpha male.
by lff-2000 March 25, 2022
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