When you stand in a surfing position on top a speeding vehicle, usually while listening to loud music.
by Morgazm the Powerful November 26, 2015
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when a person has an outrageous amount of pubic hair....(in some circumstances can be used to decribe other hairy body parts)
Yo! Last night was popping until she removed her under garments and i saw that she was on teen wolf.
Her vagina needs a shower cap, her joint is on teen wolf.
by CoCo Butta 83 June 22, 2011
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Teen wolf is the BEST tv program EVER if you have never watched it kys
by Swaggysarah😎 July 6, 2021
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A teen wolf is a person who likes to act and "dress" like a wolf. Teen wolfs are not Therians because they do not spiritually connect to a wolf. They are also not teen wearwolfs because they so not have the emo/goth look to them. Teen wolfs wear furry tails and sometimes neacklesses with a tooth or teeth on them. They wear collars as well. They run in packs to and have territorys just like a wolf would. They meet under full moons and howl. You could be a teen wolf when ever you would like :)
by alien star boy August 2, 2017
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Two dudes going in a room alone together to hide from their friends the fact that they are getting it on.
"Oh hey man don't go in there. John Stamos and Horatio Sanz are watching "Teen Wolf".
by RACY March 1, 2009
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when a self-actualized adult, past the age of puberty, gets moody and remembers what its like to be a teenager again
dude, why are you being so defensive and...is that...are you crying?" "bro, i'm really teen-wolfing right now
by nigel montgomery July 27, 2011
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Perhaps the most pissed off that an individual can become. Symptoms include: Hair growing all over your body, ears becoming pointy, pupils turn red, fingernail growth becomes rapid, teeth become sharp and fanglike, and or tail begins to form. These symptoms can and probably will result in getting whatever you want, becoming good at everything on the planet, scoring chicks, and of course KICKING ASS!!!
Murray was so teen wolf pissed that he ripped off Tito's head, and shat down his throat. Then he scored with 3 broads at the same time and beat Lebron James in a game of Horse.
by Dr. Remis August 11, 2006
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