noun: Slang for bullet, as in the actual projectile ammunition.
Right, right, so that's a Mac 10 and a Berretta... They only got one clip each, man, so you should buy some stripes, too, if you're gonna do some serious bangin'.
by tweet September 26, 2005
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another word for swagga, swagg, cool etc.
That nigga don't have no stripes, I got a better drink than you because i gat stripes, "Why you like him so much ?" " Because he gat stripes".
by jazamin July 30, 2011
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The act of taking geometrically parallel shits.
-I striped all over your mom last night.

-Wait until he's asleep, and we'll stripe on him. That'll teach him.

-My hobby: Striping in Zero-Gravity!
by Cabbage_Hat August 14, 2009
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When you blow your load and leave a line of jizz across someone's face, chest, or back.
See that chick over there? I striped her last night.
by yetisexer February 27, 2009
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lines of cocaine prepared ready to be taken
"does anyone want one of these stripes?"
"i was so wired off them stripes last night!"
by ivor bigun January 20, 2008
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1. one of great annoyance and immaturity. 2. an Asian kid who thinks hes the shit but is hella ugly with fatass lips and trys to act emo. Thinks he can get any girl but when the right one comes his way is just another pussy. Flirts with the gayest shy girls.
3. A faggot to the extreme.
Girl and her friend are walking along to class.
Girl #1: eww shit its stripes!
Girl #2: damn stripes is hella stupid especially when he wears emo glasses.
Girl #1: wtf there are no good guys these days they all fucking stripes.
by so fah lie March 5, 2005
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