leaving home without the possibility of coming back
tomorrow's the flight. i'll stop by your house and say goodbye before drinking the parsec sherbet.
by kelamist August 11, 2018
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The act of dipping the head of the penis into crystal meth and then having sex straight after.
Gynecologist- "Ma'am, your vaginal walls are covered in lesions. Have you ibserted anything in there recently?"

Woman- "Oh yeah, I asked my boyfriend to give me that sweet sherbet dick dab last night"

Gynecologist- "The, ehr...sherbet dick dab?"

Woman- "Yeah" *shows Urban Dictionary definition*

Gynecologist- "What the fuck"
by ilostmykidstoCPS January 8, 2020
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Opposite of vanilla. Exciting, unconventional, not boring. Sexual, sensual.
Jenn was so tired of vanilla guys. When Billy said he was rainbow fucking sherbet she knew she had found her match.
by MsJennJenn April 16, 2019
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When you take an entire box of laxitives and drink a bottle of food coloring, then procede to spin in circles as you "sherbet" violently all over the room.
Damn, if I knew you were in the room I wouldn't have done the tibetan sherbet swirl
by Mat Hall May 4, 2008
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During sex, when the female is on her back with her knees by her ears. The man stood above her holding one leg by the ankle for support whilst holding his erection in the downwards position, dipping his hard cock in her vagina and then her arsehole.
His favourite position to perform is the (sherbet double dip).
Would you like to try the (sherbet double dip)?
Nothing beats abit of (sherbet double dipping)
by FingerBasher92 June 27, 2022
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Something that is so good, smooth or sweet that it can only be described with not 1, but 2 sickly sweet foods.
*Mark marks a football from 30 metres away*
Oliver: Mark, that was such a Raspberry Sherbet mark!
Mark: Thanks!
by NotGayLord69 July 20, 2020
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Insult: the sugar like substance that you may find in the vaginal/anal region of woman.
damn that bitch had some good 'bati sherbet'.
by conman259 June 19, 2011
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