A person with an extremely bad haircut.
Taken from the lead singer of the 80s 'pop' group, A Flock of Seagulls who had possible the worse fashion disaster for hair of all times.
by mcrbloke August 3, 2005
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Seagulls are birds that make a squeaking sound, and are commenly known to steal human food. People call them scavengers, and do run away from them when the fly over people. They are known have a common habit of dumping there crap on peoples heads, but dont do it that often.

Seagulls are most common in Great Britain, and have become more of land birds, and the amount of rubbish tips e.t.c have become home for these adorable birds. They now can be found pretty much everywhere. They are very big, and there are many types of seagulls.

There real, formal name are gulls. But just are called seagulls because of when they used to be mostly at sea. "Seagulling" someone is not a sexual act, as it has never been done before with any British Male. Theres ways of making them leave you alone, just throw some food on the ground. It will cause a small flock to gather.
Seagulls can be in different colours, mainly:

- Black & White
- White
- Grey & White
- Grey & Black
by SavagedenutsxX December 15, 2011
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Stupid fucking bird that doesnt do any good
"i fucking hate seagulls"
"me too"
by I Fucking Hate Seagulls October 19, 2020
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A particularly painful act. A "Seagull" is when a man rubs sand onto his dick and then has intercourse. Often done at the beach.
Holy hell Dave, did you know she likes to Seagull? Holy shit, that bitch must be an extreme masochist.
by IraqLobsterSlayer December 29, 2017
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'seagulling': when you casually dismiss someone by turning your head and flapping your hand for them to go away.
This dude was talking about everything he didn't know anything about and I just seagulled him away.
by Mwek January 15, 2010
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