Rafael likes to read about romantic manga.He normally thinks about his crush all the time.he wishes he could eat her many times but he struggles finding his purpose in life.he is very mysterious and probably more wise than most people on earth.he knows how to write things down with emotion and life.he puts his friends before himself
Did u see Rafael he is so wise.i know right

Dam Rafael is an amazing writer
Rafael is nice I know he would die for me
by Zulinda son November 13, 2018
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The person that makes your heart melt, and lights up the room. He is the person that will make the pain go away. He is the person u secretly love and scared to tell him. He straight forward and to the point. There are a million more things but all of the things are jumbled into a huge ball of fire that is in his eyes.
OMG its Rafael!
by queen.b.gummy July 3, 2017
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The god of marijuana and all things great.Gets high just about everyday and loves to party.Has a ginormously huge cock similair to the size of kimbo slice wich has many nicknames such as the black hitler,kimbo jr.,the beast of the east,the jawbreaker,the tank in the pants,the black mamba,the anaconda,the jew strangler,and el pito grande.those are only some of the many names for the incredibly huge bulge in his pants.Rafael can fight so dont fuck with him.He is easy to spot because there is usually fine ass girls with big tits and big asses around him.
Dont fuck with the Rafael
by Kimbo jr. June 6, 2009
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Rafael is a kind and caring person who is also very sweet. He is also really strong and is good at basketball. Is very smart and really talkative.
Rafael’s favorite emoji 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
by Amy11228k November 18, 2018
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when you look him in the eyes, you will see something that no one else has. he is the most beautiful, talented, kind, heartwarming, loyal, sweet, gorgeous, loveable person you will ever meet. he will look at you with a big smile and you will always remember it. he will never let you down - he is very trustworthy. he will overthink little things so make sure you give him reassurance, he may seem cold at first but he will open up and you will see that he has the kindest soul ever and you will never get over him. you will fall in love with him and always remember him. he will always put you first and take care of you. he is too kind for the world and we all need a raf in our lives. he is so so beautiful and won't believe you if you tell him. just make sure you love him because if you leave him or hurt him, you will ruin him forever. his kind heart will break and he will be very very sad for a long time. he also cares a lot about his family and animals, most importantly you. he will always be there when you need a shoulder to cry on. he wont use you. he will think of you as the most important thing in the whole world. like more important than money or family. he will truly love you.
by iloveplayboicarti9 December 29, 2022
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That fucking red ninja turtle whose banging the girl of your dreams.
Jake: Bro, did you hear?
Shawn: What?
Jake: Sarah's going with some dude named Rafael.
Shawn: Rafael? Isn't that the name of that red ninja turtle?
Jake: Uh...yeah I think so.
Shawn: Fucking ninja turtles.


Grunt #69: Boss, Rafael just destroyed all of your warriors!
Shredder: TURTTTLEEESS!!!!!
by Thisnamebetterbefree February 14, 2011
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El chico más maravilloso que encontraras en el mundo. Te enamorará con tal solo una mirada..sus labios harán que te derritas, y te enamora todos los días sin pensarlo. Su forma de ser es especial y es único. ♥️
Sus ojos ven más alla de lo que en verdad eres, se ven como un Rafael

“Eres rara

Eso es bonito” ☺️❣️-Rafa
by niña.stacey January 30, 2018
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