Possibly the most disgusting food there is.
Considering all food from pigs is basically just fat. I throw up each time I try pork.
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Adj. Used to describe an extremely attractive woman between the ages of 18 and 30. Usually used by guys to inform other guy friends of one of these beautiful women.
Dude check that out....PORK ON THE LEFT!!!
by Corey Salyer September 10, 2007
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Another name for the male penis.
Dude #1- "She wants my pork."
by Dat_Guy_Ober_Der May 5, 2009
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The social dilemma that depicts a scenario in which you must decide between partaking in sexual intercourse with a pig who's gender will be determined by your preference with nobody ever finding out, or you can choose to not partake in sexual intercourse with the pig, but have everyone you currently know think that you did.

To be clear:
- Future people you meet will not know that you committed this act, unless told otherwise by people who did know.
- That people that you currently know can not be convinced otherwise.
Guy 1: Have you heard of the social dilemma: "To Pork or Not to Pork"? It kept me arguing for hours.

Guy 2: I have, my best friend doesn't talk to me anymore after finding out that I would fuck a pig.
by porkypig332 December 5, 2020
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Hey man your mom is really hot i want to pork her.
Hey nate shaw i bet you are thinking about porking your girlfriend while you jerk off
by THE ALL KNOW ING MIKE AND CHASE February 21, 2003
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1. The act of having vigorous sexual intercourse with someone.

2. Actively hunting for pigs in their natural habitat.
1a. I heard that in 1986 a ninja broke the world record all over the planet by porking 500 hot babes at once.

1b. I really wanna make a Paris Hilton style video tape where I'm porking that Heather girl that works at the mall, man she's hot.

2. The fall is pig season, so I usually go out porking around late september, or early october. I just listen for the squealing/snorting and then shoot my RC-P90 in the general direction. MMMmmm... Pork...
by TonecasT February 4, 2004
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fucked, had sex with, etc.
I porked your mom, or have you ever porked before?
by Jason November 23, 2003
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