A mnemonic for the levels of classification (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.) K - Kevin P - Please C - Come O - Over F - For G - Gay S - Sex This mnemonic first appeared in the very beginning of the episode of Community titled Virtual Systems Analysis. (Season 3 Episode 16)
"There are many acronyms to remember K-P-C-O-F-G-S, some being more appropriate than others."
by choconacock March 11, 2023
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Kingdom=king Phylum=Phillp Class=Comes Order=Over Family=For Genus=Good Species=Sex
K-P-C-O-F-G-S is classification it is used in science or biology for the Five Kingdoms.
by mjack112 May 29, 2008
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In biology its an acronym to help you know the order in which the groups go from largest to smallest. King Philip Came Ova For Some Good Sex It translates into Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
-ay cuz, you remember that K-P-C-O-F-G-S thing for the bio homework last night? - yuh mayne, its King Philip Came Ova Fo Some Good Sex -For sure my friend, For sure!
by CodyCodeine April 01, 2007
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Kings Puff Chronic Of Fat Green Sensimilla
K-P-C-O-F-G-S, Kings puff chronic of fat green sense, thats how we remember the classification of life in Humboldt County
by Boff Booferman September 08, 2008
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used to remember the name of catergories for that one biology thing
K-P-C-O-F-G-S Kibble Polyphonic Cathedral Occasions Fridays Gregancious Supper
by DEFINITION WRIGHTER October 24, 2006
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p you in the f

to punch someone in the face. can also be used as p in the v/o/b, etccc - punch in the vagina/ovaries/balls, ettccc
If you dont shut up I'm going to p you in the f
by Zas Zas March 20, 2008
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word used by younger people to take the place of a bad word..usually the word fucking first used by: Trina Goffinet & Joshua Henke
You f-p-p-f-in bitch! Where the f-p-p-f are my rainbow boots?!
by midnightmatchbox March 22, 2009
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