This person is the embodiment of what is good in the world. She is the eclipse of beauty and she shows it wherever she goes. She has the abilities to light up everyone’s day just by a glance. She is the definition of the word amazing.
I love you Nyla :)
by Yato from Noragami August 19, 2022
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Your a Nyla
by Nyzell April 30, 2022
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Nyla is an extremely stubborn, too caring, strong-minded, extroverted, helps everyone beautiful inside and out. will bash u up if u do wrong things, make u laugh at all times.
Omg its Nyla, Don't piss her off
by ABISSYESSSSS August 4, 2020
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A sexy, fine, understandable, trustworthy, and popular girl. Shes always happy but can be a bitch sometimes.
Boy: Damn who’s that?
Guy: That’s a Nyla.
Boy: Damn she fine as hell
by SupremePizzaRolls February 10, 2018
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Beautiful would not come close to how beautiful Nyla’s are!! Drop dead gorgeous would fit perfectly. Banging hot body. With long black or brown hair.. so beautiful but doesn’t even notice it.. Shy at first but once you get to know a nyla she willing either become your bestie or boyfriend! Smart, kind, helpful to others. Liked by many guys, but is very picky and chose to one who she knows will love her and care for her:)
Dang who dat over there?

Oh! That’s nyla...
Is she single? I like her
Look at her a tell me if she single i mean look at her...
Oh? So that’s not then danggg
by Parenda March 17, 2018
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Typically a girl. Very beautiful. Misunderstood. Good at heart. Doesnt like to see people in pain. Nylas are the uplifters of a situation and always likes to have fun. Nylas shed their tears in private, they ain't no pussy. At the end of the day you are lucky if you have a nyla in your life. And if you dont have one then go get one.
"I think I'm in love with nyla"
"Me too!"
by Therealinfoo January 23, 2020
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Nyla is a girl who doesn't know how beautiful she really is she doesn't have much confidence but is always told how pretty and thick she is. She is black and has given up on loving boys so she only gives her friends advice she may say someone is cute or she would fuck him but she won't do it. She is very loyal and socially awkward and short and is for her hustle. But most of all she blunt and smart
Boy- hey have you seen that girl around school I wanna talk to her but she's always leaving.

Girl- oh that's Nyla she in my class she's really nice and smart to.
by Nicole6952 October 10, 2021
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