Lia is an amazing girl, but she doesn't believe it. She can make you feel better just by smiling at you. She is beautiful, and sexy, but she thinks she's ugly. She is a quirky person, and often doesn't make sense, even to herself, but you can't find more fun anywhere else. Lia has the ability to make you laugh whenever she wants, and make you horny even more, she is a very sexual person, but don't mistake her for a whore, she is extremely loyal to her partner. Anyone would be lucky to be friends with a Lia, but get her as your partner, and you're the luckiest person alive. Never wrong her or her friends, because she has a fiery temper for those who get on her bad side.
Example 1

Guy 1: Man, Lia is my best friend! She's amazing, and makes me laugh all the time
Guy 2: Lia?? Dude you're crazy, she almost lit my house on fire when I asked for a blowjob!
Guy 1: She has a boyfriend! You know she's completely loyal to him!

Example 2

Lia: *muttering about dogs being related to candles*
Close friend: Lia what are you talking about?
Lia: Uh.. I dunno.
by Scooter03 November 8, 2018
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Defined chhHhhhhhhhuuu Lia my hentai wife
by Jay3838:&:&:£ March 29, 2019
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the nicest most beautiful grl u will ever meet
she has a nice bod and boys love her
"hey did u see that lia"
"yeah i couldnt take my eyes off her"
by adelena201isssssssssssssssssss December 24, 2008
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The coolest muther fuckin person in the world they might seem like there mean at first but after a day hanging with them you’ll fall in love with them and there fuckin personally.
Wow Lia is fuckin amazing

Lia is soooooo cool I wanna hang with her again
by Muther trucker December 1, 2018
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Lias is a word coming from the greek word "ilithios" which means fool/stupid.
He is Lias.
He is fool.
He is stupid
by alexkarpen April 30, 2008
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Lia is a very sexy outgoing person. She is super pretty that once you get a look at her you can’t seem to look back away. She might not be that open to you once you get to know her at first but later she just lights up any party. Lias are usually brunettes with beautiful brown eyes. They don’t get jealous much cause they learn to value themselves farther in life. Lias also have many hobbies that they use farther in life. They might not know for sure who they want to become in the beginning but it all comes out at the end. If you find a Lia then it’s your lucky jackpot day! DONT loose her you will need her farther in life whether she’s just your girlfriend or just a friend.
Guy 1: hey did your see Lia at yesterday’s party in that swimsuit ?

Guy 2: yeah actually me and her are kind of a think now she’s so pretty and nice.

Guy 1: you’re a lucky man don’t let her go.
by ArianaGrandePositions March 6, 2021
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