1. She taught me that a little confidence can turn you into a star

2. Helped me realize that we’re here to enjoy ourselves, so there’s no reason to attach yourself to people you don’t feel attached to or feel bad for cutting off people you don’t want in your life

3.taught me that your family can extend to people you don’t share blood with

4.showed me that you have to soak up life as it comes so that you have no regrets

5. She gives everyone the benefit of the doubt without being naive
6. Was one of my truest friends and opened my eyes to the fact that people don’t remember you for how cool, smart, or popular you are but they remember you for the way you make them feel
Mindy: “”what are 6 reasons you admire esther?”

Me:”im gonna have to think about that for a while”
by Learnmorgenstern July 16, 2022
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Esther is a funny and crazy girl she loves food and the people around her that she loves she does get angry easily but doesn’t hold a grudge for to long if u are friends with an Esther you should keep her close
Esther went to get food
by Rue November 7, 2020
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Truly the greatest human being known to man and I love her so much omg I can’t even stress enough how much she means to me I love so much
Yo is that Esther

by Big boi Nathan March 14, 2019
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A girl thats has an old, deep soul that always means we’ll even if she can’t express it the right way or doesn’t seem like it. Not so much a great listener but has a strong voice for her very firm beliefs and morals that show she is one to trust with your life. Argues a lot even when wrong but only because they are passionate about so many things. People gravitate to Esthers but those who try to prove her wrong may get on her bad side. Esther is very powerful and sees and tells the truth through how she portrays it even if she is false or wrong. She doesn’t like to be wrong but deeply hates it more to be told and exposed through facts that she is wrong. therefore if anyone try’s to challenge her or challenge her beliefs will fire her up to where Esther either will ignore or get fueled by negativity inside and will argue with her last breath to prove she is correct without care of what she will say evil words and harsh lies will be said to protect her ego even if she isn’t right. Esther gets along with pretty much anybody in the world because they have the best personality and Secretly sensitive but doesn't show it. She only wants to guide and help but hurts when she doesn’t have the knowledge to do so and that hurt sometimes turns to very bad anger. But If Esther learns how to use her power for the better it will help her with her purpose in life. To help and guide everyone she can to succeed
Hope I find an Esther in my life like you have done
by Jakllmm November 1, 2020
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Esther is a loving, beautiful, caring, kind, and a loyal person/best friend. She is sensitive and popular. If you have an Esther in your life then you are absolutly the lukiest person EVER!!!!!!!!!! So if you do know an Esther, you better love her! She is the sweetist person you will ever meet! when you first meet an esther you will probally dislike them, but once you get to know them
Girl 1-"Who the flip is that!?"
Girl 2- " Oh her, that's Esther. Isn't she just the prettiest girl you've ever saw!
Girl 1- " Yeah!!"
by Poppy Jane Bond May 31, 2020
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Awesome, brilliant, beautiful, perfect. Esther is the highest life-form. Esther is always right. Everyone must worship Esther and the ground she walks on, and give her many bright, shiny objects.
- Random guy: "OMG, did you see Esther today?"
- Other random person: "Yes, she is SO awesome, beautiful, funny, brilliant, smart, and totally perfect in every way!"
- "I know! =O"
by Me2u April 12, 2009
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married to Xerxes (436 – 358 BC)
From the Book of Esther, Jewish holiday Purim
the first Purim was celabrated on the 14th of Adar (March ish), year 3405

Esther was originally named Hadassah. In Hebrew Hadassah means "myrtle" but Esther is related to the Median word, astra, and the Persian word setareh meaning star.
Esther can also be understood to mean "hidden" in Hebrew (she hid her Jewish identity) and in the book of Esther it is believed that God's methods were hidden.

The name has been used in the English-speaking(Christian European, non-Jewish...), world since the Protestant Reformation when old testament names became 'all the rage'.

"Hey didn't Madonna re-name herself Esther when she jumped on the Kabbalah band wagon?"
by Astra_Star January 30, 2009
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