Someone who does painfully embarrassing things but thinks they're cool
"Did you hear about that guy who bit the head off of frog?"
"Wow, what a dweeb."
by CroutonMcgee October 4, 2015
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A nerd. Dork. Your weird friend.
Linda: omg did you hear?
Jane: hear what?
Linda: Sam McArthur is such a dweeb.

Jane: omg ikr
by nabsville October 21, 2014
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someone who always calls other people dweebs and gets their friends to join in just to cover up the fact that they themselves, are idiots.
Holly: "You're such a dweeb!"
Holly's friends: "Yeah, dweeb!"

this person(Holly) is an idiot.
by Anonnymousy April 19, 2009
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A dweeb is a man named kyle Perri. If you are called a dweeb think of yourself as a purple headed dildo that the lowest of lows hooker refuses to use on her chlamydia and pubic lice ridden vagina.
Mykel: Yo, did you see kyle perri yesterday? He was acting like such a dweeb
by rubadubpub May 1, 2016
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1) Type of sweets indistinguishible from "nerdsTM" that used to be popular in the UK during my primary school years ('90's) and that I only hope still exist. Coming in small boxes split into two or three compartments for different flavours (all sour), you either ate them one by one and savoured the bittersweet chemical taste that was sure to dissolve your stomach in ten years, or you ate the whole box at once and risked it dissolving in two days.

2) see all other definitions.
"Hey, Rach, remember dweebs?"
"MMMmmmmmmmm dweebs..."
by Ceallai July 24, 2005
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is a frowned upon word on tumblr. Kind of like how peasant was cool and now it isn't.
Person A on the internet: "You're a dweeb."

Person B on the internet (probably anon): "No one says that anymore.. It became overused and uncool. Like peasant did."
by woketgirl November 22, 2012
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