Should I waste my time writing about a worthless woman who sold her soul? Actually she is the Panauti-in-Chief. Even the cat could not compete with her. When she crosses someone's path, there can be a storm in their life so be careful. Her appearance is very similar to that of a rhinoceros(genda). she's is a journalist to speak. But people also known her by the name of "Patalkar".
She was at the crime scene during the kargil war, breaking every law of media coverage, she entered a military area with a satellite phone which was really shocking, some soldiers died but she ran away. That's why she is also a traitor and murderer.
in 26/11 attack Her coverage was being seen live in terrorist attacks and was critical in contributing to at least some deaths.
also Her coverage of Godhra violance gave out her and NDTV's intentions. Some channels gave a balanced view, but NDTV was very active in portraying the riots as a work of Modi.
When sections of media leaked that Nawaz Sharief termed MMS as a "dehati aurat" (which i think is an offence to the hard working simple village women) B Dutt jumped to try and do some damage control. It has completely backfired, because MMS, PR people did not account for the lack of faith people have in NDTV and B Dutt following the 2G expose.
Now, I think this is enough to prove that she is a anti-nationalist Lady Gendi. ppl also call them burka dutt. MrD
Whaoh Barkha dutt she's 5th horseman of apocalypse..
Prachand panauti of India
by MR D_kaito August 4, 2021
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When you get 2 tapped in the head in PUBG by any gun.
Steve -get's double tapped in the head-
Kevin "Dut Dutt"
by Level 3 Backpack June 27, 2019
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An autistic retard who is addicted to dank memes, hard liquor, hard drugs, and beating the fuck out of his wife and kids
Elmo is a dutt nigga
by Faggotorious B.I.G March 19, 2018
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a nice fellow who is very helpfull when it comes to explaining your concrete details. also very interesting.
GUY 1: "hey big dutt i need some help all up over here."
BIG DUTT: *sits down on table really really close to GUY 1*
"yeah yeah thats what you...
by November 8, 2010
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When you shat in your jeans. (could be any denim material)
DAMN IT Bill, did you Big Dutt in my jorts!?
by JortsDenim February 9, 2021
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A creature that roams the earth he is usually ogre looking. He has enormous hands and plank like feet . His one weakness is all women as he is a huge virgin. This man is a higher form of human life
nigger your such a navneet dutt
by gherfwifwjfiwodiwoi September 10, 2021
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when you take a massive shit!
I need to get some fresh jorts, i just had a Big Dutt in my pants.
by JortsDenim February 10, 2021
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