A disease in which you have too much drama in your life and are always starting it and always in it. We have not found a cure to dramatitis yet.
Wow, Dramatitis has spread to you. We must get help.
by Kellie Woods May 19, 2008
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being dramatic means that you are over the top this could be in drama or anything really.
sophie was very dramatic in music today
by ok4728828 January 18, 2019
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a person that wines over little things also known as a kelly
person1:omg kid i skied 1 foot and a half and broke my knee
person2:dude suck it up ur being so dramatic, ur such a kelly.
by cone head March 3, 2008
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An action that girls perform when they're upset by a similar action that someone else performed.

Kristin wanted to push her mother because her mother was being dramatic.
by 1trkmind October 1, 2008
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Being very dramatic and loud while vomiting, just to get attention.
That girl was waiting in the ER triage area for an hour, so she started dramating to get in before everyone else.
by pplRstrange May 5, 2017
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(dra mata lie zation)
1.the constant causing of drama.
2. constantly trying to create drama and problems between people
3.the art of causing drama
Tim and Lindsey are going out. Jenny is Tim's ex-girlfriend. Jenny is constantly causing problems and creating drama between Tim and Lindsey, therefore, Jenny is practiced in the art of dramatalization
by Azuri August 15, 2008
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