Colonie is right outside of Albany NY, bordered by Troy, Troylet, schenectady, about 2 hours from NYC. Use to be nice, now gettin' kinda shitty. North/South colonie are huge rivels bother in school and outside of school
Who rocks?
North colonie holla\1
by Steezy November 1, 2004
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A list of sexual moves with a Colonial them. Before performing any of these, one must say to his or her partner "Let me take you back to a time when things were more... civilized." Also know as The Colonial Times.
"I was laying in bed with Ben Reilly last night, and he said to me 'Let me take you back to a time when things were more civilized' and I just knew that I was going to get a Town Crier!"
"Colonial is my FAVORITE part of American history."
by Babyballs October 6, 2006
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A person who chooses the Colonial Faction in popular massively multiplayer game, Foxhole by Clapfoot studios. Usually this person is a cool guy who doesn't like drama and plays foxhole for the fun and not to win wars, unlike the Wardens.
Guy 1: Hey let's go Warden this war!
Guy 2: Hell not im gonna go Colonial and have some fun!
by SubwayKiwi November 13, 2019
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During intercourse, have a friend hide in the closet in a revolutionary war style uniform(including musket), then as you ejaculate on her face have said friend hop out of the closet and butt stroke her in the face.
My friend and I gave her the the colonial last night.
by old colonial July 11, 2008
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a ghetto school in Orlando, Florida that is full of Puerto Ricans that think they are the shit and are actually a bunch of fuck nuggets
Reinaldo: "Let's go to Colonial!"
Billy: "Nah man that school is full with a bunch of wanna be gangsters that can't hang with any real niggas."
by I have risen AGAIN July 11, 2008
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