the unauthorized taking of a neglected dog so it can have a better life elsewhere.
They leave the dog out in all kinds of weather with no shelter and little food.
They won't give the dog up I hope the dog gets a Maverick rescue by a caring person.
by Thvillebear December 2, 2020
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a little bi-sexual bitch who roots bulls up the ass every sunday and he says he can stay on for 8 seconds.he is so gay oh yeah and he roots his friend tyrell.
"hey mav
"go screw a goat
by george tony October 30, 2004
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One who is not yet a maverick
aka. Curtis Schulze, James Caldow
Runkle: "You wanna see what Curt and Caldow are up to"
Sam Travers (THE Maverick): "who? junior maverick's 1 & 2? nah they are such kooks!!!!"
by maverick1691 March 3, 2012
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Short beautiful girl definitely cute. Most beautiful girl on Jerald's eyes. She's one and only for him.
Jane Maverick is Jerald soon to be wife.
by Hekhek June 8, 2021
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Hey Lucille I hear Maverick Social Club are playing Water Rats tonight.

Lets fucking go and see them.
by Reverendgeronimoflash January 9, 2019
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Also known as GTA Online self ban, it's a cheat not only is skidded it'll also get you banned and ofc gather information it doesn't need and send it to my senpai, Maverick.
-Oh boi someone stole mah betcoins.
- Did you use mavershit?
- Yeah I did.
- Then yeah he stole your betcoins.

Kiddos Maverick Cheats is bad
by The skid punisher January 7, 2018
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A faggot who leeches off other creators for their own personal gain.
Wow we all really hate maverick cheats.
by uNKNOWNWNWNWNWN January 5, 2018
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