Today is one of the only days you can go up to a girl and pick her up without getting smacked
tom: hey man today’s National pick up a Girl day
mark: so that means i can go up to a girl and back her up agenst a wall and pick her up and have her legs around my waist?
tom: yes
by supermanisbossbutyouknowidc October 3, 2018
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When Krovi goes to the beach to pick up a lovely lady to take home.
My grandma got the Oldie Krovi Pick Up last weekend; she pogged out!
by Purple Hair Bartender September 17, 2022
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in 700AD teegans pickup line was "Are you ready for Daddy?", now in 2023 she says, "do you want this fuego?"
Amber: *being normal*
Teegan (pick up line) : "Are you ready for daddy?"
by SerenadingCats September 9, 2023
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The act of trying to hit on a minor. The term symbolizes the manipulation and exploitation of the target, likening them to, well, a cupcake, that is taken advantage of by someone with ill intentions.

This term was coined after an infamous incident where YouTuber EDP445 was caught in a sting operation where he thought he'd be meeting up with a 13-year-old girl. When confronted about why he was there, he responded with, "Well, I was actually coming out here to pick up a cupcake, and then go back home."
Person 1: "Did you hear about that guy down the street? He got arrested for picking up a cupcake at the park."
Person 2: "Seriously? That's horrible. I can't believe someone around here would do that."
by Purplax May 9, 2024
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