When someone knows all the words of a song and if anyone sings it wrong will automatically correct them, in order to present themselves as being cool.
Pablo: 'when your metro don't trust I'm gonna shoot him'
James: 'Pablo it's actually "if young metro don't trust you I'm gonna shoot him" but ya know'
Pablo:' James shut the fuck up, just cos your white ass was up all night YouTube lyricing the words, smh
by Schlongonthat April 6, 2016
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When a rapper tries to make a rhyming statement, but it doesn't quite come out right.
Bobby P: Yo, my name is Bobby and I move in the lobby, wit my friends we begin and nobody gonna snap back on my rap track before I break a duck's snack back when I beat deese babies like I got rabies and I'll b-- Yknow, Ill shut ma nonsensible lyrics.
by Cheeseracker cracker wit chees September 19, 2013
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When you think you know the words to a song but your completey off.
My lyricitis drives people crazy because I really think the my version of the lyrics to a song are accurate.
by WordsmithingIsEasy September 20, 2015
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Baby, I love you and I want to marry you one day. Mr cutie patootie you make life worth living.- toots
The lyric s. is so hot
by Mrs.Cutie Patootie October 20, 2022
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The way that a songs lyrics are assembled that makes you feel like gold.
"bro the lyricality of this song!"
"This songs lyricality gets me feeling some type of way!!"
by Big Made August 24, 2018
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As a lyrical connoisseur, you possess a deep appreciation and understanding of lyrics. You go beyond enjoying the melody, analyzing their meaning, symbolism, and wordplay. Your passion for lyrics allows you to recognize and appreciate the artistry behind well-crafted verses.
"As a lyrical connoisseur, you have a profound understanding of the intricate beauty and hidden depths of song lyrics."
by handkoo June 17, 2023
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