A supermarket chain in Chicaga
Im gonna run over down by Jewels for some pop
by Perry Menos December 14, 2019
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is a attractive girl and cooler than all of her friends
Girl:Omg is that Jewels?!?
Girl2:Yeah shes so pretty
by someonewhouwillneverknowof November 22, 2021
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A dumb bitch, mother fucker wont shut up. Just learn how to express your damn emotions and thoughts Jesus christ. you got something to say? say it if you fucking pussy. You got all that shit to say why not say whats on your mind? 🤨
by PinHeado December 13, 2021
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Any valuable information that can enhance your knowledge and understanding towards a better life.
by Neeky_B March 2, 2019
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Something that you would consider as a blessing, opportunity, or good experience.
I've been given another jewel that my mom made it through her surgery.

I just got my dick sucked by the greatest jewel in history.

The win against Cedar Berg was a jewel in our conference.
by Joshua O. October 17, 2017
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Can also be slang to describe a male's testicles.
"I fondle my jewels softly after receiving a good kicking"

"I need a good pair of underwear to keep my jewels comfortable"
by Nick-The-Stick September 3, 2018
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