Southport Reporter is an online newspaper, that was the first to be recognized as an accredited news outlet (newspaper) in the UK. It covers all types of news from all all over Merseyside. It is a Trade Mark of Patrick Trollope and run by both PCBT Photography and PBT Media Relations Ltd.
I found it on Southport Reporter. It is a news report on Southport Reporter. Online Newspaper Southport Reporter.
by artlactemadidiscibisknollage November 11, 2015
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A term used to describe a fictional characters romantic and/or sexual relationship with a member of their family being used as a plot device.
"God, i hate Korekiyo Shinguji"
I know right, he's such a typical victim of the Weather Report syndrome"
by 10111011010101000 December 17, 2022
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A meme popular in the community of Nobelium. It regards the false accusation of a person known as redzbux of accusing SCBOLBOY of mass reporting and doing everything that was ever bad in the world.
by GlucioPL December 20, 2016
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gay and annoying inconvienance. the source of evil.
i have a history report to finish before tomorrow! fuck!
by EmilyWaddell October 17, 2008
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when the police arrests more blacks proportionally than other races even though blacks are a minority.
The black suspicion report put more blacks in jail than any other race.
by Coop Dupe June 17, 2018
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If you text me or comments been limited again, I will report to police and crazy don from ITE COLLEGE WEST. I’m just 23 years old migrate.
If you text me or comments been limited again, I will report to police and crazy don from ITE COLLEGE WEST. I’m just 23 years old migrate.
by sdinaz October 25, 2023
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1.) The lone reporter in the ghost town of a newsroom after the five-day reporters head out to live normal lives. This reporter is responsible for anything that happens on Saturday and Sunday. Most of the time this means sending the reporter to a stupid event usually involving cute animals and children. This likelihood heightens during the summer months when festivals are rampant.

2.) Someone who has no life and has self image and self esteem problems. Probably has never touched a girl in their entire life.

3.) A sad, sad excuse for a person and a reporter.
4.) Awesome.
Reporter 1: Hey man, I'm going do something awesome this weekend. Do you wanna come with?

Weekend Reporter: I can't, if I don't come in the bunnies won't make page 5.
by reporter April 27, 2012
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