The modern delusion of material success sold to the western world.
Having Friends and Family, Not starving, and having a roof over my head isn’t enough, it’s not the ideal.

Then no place will ever be ideal for you. Ideal is by definition not obtainable. Be grateful for what you have. Stop the ideal worship.
by uh DuKe April 20, 2022
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Hym "The God that YOU worship DOES THAT! IT LITERALLY DOES THAT! IN NUMBERS! NUMBERS 31! HOOOOOOLY SHIT! 'If the God you worship tells you to murder children and rape women... Then you aren't worshipping God' ~ Ben Shapiro. IT DOES THAT! IN THE BIBLE! God... Tells them to kill all of the men, children, and women who have known a man... And then take the little girls as wives... It literally says the thing that you're saying God DOESN'T SAY! It's right there! How do you reconcile that!? How do you reconcile that with the thing you said!? Wow! This is wild! Really, we love ironic punishment until it swings right back around and somebody does a LITERAL number 31 on you... To you... Damn! That's sad. This is kind of sad actually. Hmmm... Oh, well. It's just weird to see you say that God wouldn't tell people to do the thing he definitely told peoole to do!"
by Hym Iam October 9, 2023
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A religion that is a revival of the worship of all the gods of the Aztecs. The style of worship is the same as that of the Aztecs. Unlike other forms of paganism it requires human sacrifice.

sometimes outlaws and/or people who are outcasts from society as well as drug lords are into Aztec pantheon worship.
He's into Aztec pantheon worship.
by Judge dredd7 July 12, 2011
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Treating a piece of shit human being as though they're a god.
Tumblr constantly worships Dream, despite the fact that his Minecraft speedruns were proven to be fake.

Dumbass Worship at its finest.
by Someone who kinda exists March 13, 2022
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The worshipers of nothing are finally destroyed by the Gods
Worship of Nothing is a spectatular read!
by SackbotNinja03 November 6, 2021
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Someone who is into poop Fetishes or has a kink for poops of all kinds. They may worship or find poop sexually arousing
He is the only person I know that loves worshiping chocolate. He told me the other day to shit in his mouth for $80 and I said I'd poop in a bag and sent mail instead. He complied
by Mezulu03 September 29, 2022
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An individual who has an irrational fear/obsession with Covid-19 a virus with a 99% survival rate. These folks usually wear masks 24/7 & in some cases gloves. They become very hostile when they observe others not wearing masks or social distancing. Covid Worshiper have been known to lecture, yell, scream and harass others who do not share their irrational fear.

They view unmasked folks as "selfish" or "uncaring" and typically voice this out loud in a temper tantrum.
Covid Worshiper have been known to virtue signal any chance they get as they feel they are helping society for the "greater good" by constantly wearing their masks & yelling virtue signals at unsuspecting strangers. They also feel that the whole world should live in a "Safe space", locked down, double-masked, and gloved up with no foreseeable end in sight.
Many Covid Worshipers typically see the vaccine as their salvation, as they were first in line to receive the shot.

These obsessed individuals won't do anything in life without getting direction from the CDC or local health authority. In short, their life revolves around the Corona Virus hence the term Covid Worshiper.
1. The cashier was such a Covid Worshiper she was getting upset because the customers nose was not covered.

2. Mark was such a Covid Worshiper he always ran in the opposite direction of unmasked people.

3. Trader Joe's was known to be run by Covid Worshipers as they forced their customers to wait outside, masked up and spaced out more than six feet. They also get very upset, kicking out customers for not covering their noses.
by Mr Zionist April 12, 2021
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