When a guy already came and he's still having sex so he has flappy balls.
This guy already came and he was still trying to have sex. His flappy balls were flapping against me it was such a turn off.
by Trainwreck July 12, 2015
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An autistic term ; Derived from flap and happiness ; Being so happy you feel the need to stim.
He was so excited, he was filled with a sense of Flappiness
by tetsuwan_atomu April 22, 2018
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Not to be confused wif "flip-flops" --- i.e., sandals dat just have a sole and strap/pocket for yer toes --- this term refers to a pair of almost-totally-worn-out-and-loose-fitting shoes dat you lounge around in while you're just in da house or yard.
Cool chick, showing up on a favorite male friend's porch: Hey, Dude; I'm feeling a little bored and lonesome --- could you go for a stroll wif me down to da lake and back?
Hot hunk: Sure thing, Sweet Cheex --- just lemme change outta my floppy-flappies here, and I'll be right wif ya!
by QuacksO August 24, 2022
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Amber Heard’s Vagina

Johnny Depp to his friend “I have no mercy, no fear for this gold digging, low level, dime a dozen, mushy, pointless, dangling, overused flappy fish market.
by Wyntercobweb June 18, 2022
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I see Greg is buying a lot of Cialis, I heard his wife say he has a flappy wappy
by Skuzzy81 October 2, 2020
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Doing many things in a very fast and disarrayed way
My friend Michael was being very Flappy Wappy with the light switch
by ghosthacker478 January 9, 2021
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Pupper with big banana - looking ears. He has a pretty long nose and he is kinda fat. He never stands up. :)
1: Who is Flappie?

2: a cool fricking pupper
by frogsnakdok March 14, 2017
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