That sad ass feeling you get when leaving Disney land.
Girl A: I’m single but I feel like a princess in Disney… I’m getting post Disney depression.

Girl B: Yeah.. back to reality. I gotta go back to the strip club to find my prince horning.
by DaGodlyQueen April 30, 2022
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the feeling you get when you see Finn Wolfhard and you obsess over him everyday and you are in love with everything about him and you just love his laugh ,personality and looks but he doesn’t know you and the only way you will ever be something in his life is in your dreams
Sees Finn edit* this gives me Finnie depression
by Finnie135 January 16, 2021
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Usually very depressed about litttle things but all of it adds up
Wow...Look at depressed andrew
by Pickle Rick 09 October 7, 2017
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When that act of studying sends you into a depressive state. Symptoms include; sudden onset of fatigue, self doubt, lack of confidence, increase or decrease in appetite, irritability and fantasies about academic failure.
Matt: OMG I will never pass this test, I 'm too stupid!

Rachael: You will, you always pass your tests, you douche.

Matt: No I won't. I can't concentrate, I get so tired as soon as I open my book! Tomorrow I'll bomb out. I might as well quit the course now!

Rachael: Don't be a tool! You've got study depression, you'll get over it.
by Blue Nerf February 23, 2016
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The drop in player population in Battlefield most likely due to lack of content, boring same old maps, unbalanced weapons, bugs or repetitive gameplay.
BF fanboy: Ugh, why is BF1 so dead!
Me: It's suffering from The Great Battlefield Depression
by Big Schlong Johnson May 2, 2017
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When all of your energy is used up by doing laundry, you have nothing left to put them away so you leave them piled on the floor. Usually for months.
Mom: “put those clothes away! They’ve been on your floor for months”

Me: “those are my depression clothes. I will when I have enough energy to do so”
by Missaj88 March 26, 2020
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