To be thrown violently from a height by a black male.
1: did you hear about the little kid who plunged over the railing in a mall food court?
2: Yeah apparently it was because the kid’s mom refused to buy him something.
by Theironquitter April 21, 2019
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A sexual move a man performs upon his partner that takes great skill and precision, yet can be very detrimental if performed incorrectly. Just as a Polar Bear is on the hunt after a Seal upon the ice, when the Seal slips back into the hole in the ice, the Polar Bear’s hunt is not over. The Polar Bear in its fast and speedy pursuit leaps high, stalls mid air, then falls precisely into the hole.

This sex move is one that only the elite should perform. It’s not for beginners, or those whose coordination is lousy. If done correctly, It will undoubtedly take the breath away of the person whom the move was performed upon, and suddenly send them down a spiral of orgasmic state.

WARNING! If performed incorrectly, the effects upon the man will unvaryingly result in a trip to the hospital.
So I finally mustard up enough courage to try the Polar Bear Plunge on Bonnie last night. You should have seen her eyes!
by Benny Boy December 14, 2019
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Plunging occurs when a female defecates after anal sex
Bro! I plunged that bitch so hard last night she pooped everywhere!
by Token96 May 13, 2022
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when another girl(or guy)shoves his/her hand in your pocket and jacks you off
"Angie so totally gave me a pocket plunge in school yesterday."
by scrotom coat May 4, 2010
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When you and a broham have mad bromance. like this man is as studdly as yourself. Ride together, smash together

Brandon: bro!
Johnny: what up baby
Brandon: let's bang chicks together and label ourselves Plunge Brothers !
by Ezeverlast August 29, 2018
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When having sex and you accidentally ram it into her ass and pull out with shit stuck on your wang.
Jessica and I were banging last night and I accidentally mud plunged.
by Dandy lop May 5, 2016
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Act takes two dudes, one ties rope/string around penis and jumps off a building/ object. Second guy inserts penis has intercourse with hole/"void" where other guys penis used to be.
Hay man have you seen jery? Nah man havent seen him since last week, word is he and Scott went void plunging.
by VProrigns February 7, 2011
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