He is extremely kind and always compassionate. Puts others first before himself, but still manages to have a thoughtful opinion and holds true to his beliefs. The best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. Beautiful eyes, great body, FANTASTIC hair, impeccably dressed. Extremely intelligent. Knows so much about the world and the people around him. He's attracted to enemies and foes..

Could talk to him for hours about nothing. Very mature for his age. He knows what he wants and how to get it. Someone you will always want to have by your side-- your life will change once you meet him.
Im so in love with Proxy.
#proxydspammer #proxydcarder #proxydloader #proxydplug
Proxy d Spammer IamProxy
by IamProxy February 5, 2020
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a mine that explodes in response to something close, a proximity mine
I'm not about to let a proxy mine catch me off guard.
by The Retrun of Light Joker August 3, 2011
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A proxy virus is a virus that does not let you view a site. This virus can only be obtained by watching porn.
proxy virus: httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxy) {

proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, {

host: 'secure.target.host',

port: 443,

https: true

by Ibbs June 4, 2014
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When a person brags indirectly by citing another person's compliment toward them.
I'm not bragging about my big dick! I was saying that my boyfriend kept saying, "Wow , your dick is so big!" So I guess that, at worst, I'm Bragging by Proxy.
by Waterghost June 27, 2017
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Crystal Proxy is a Growtopia cheat that will actually make you enjoy playing Growtopia. It's well suited for hosters and other illegal players who want an advantage without risking their account.
thank allah i got crystal proxy not some other overpriced cockproxy smh, .gg/crproxy
by crproxy January 5, 2023
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He always happy.
Loves to use 'Woop' and 'Bleh'.
Proxy is the word u call the cool dude.
Loves to mess with ppl.
Ey u proxy.
How are u proxy.
Are u the world famous proxy the star?
by Lrsi October 31, 2019
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When a PdM tech in the plant purposely misdiagnoses machine failures in the plant to garner attention and advancement within the company thus justifying their position as well as overtime. The downside is capital being wasted as well as extra unneeded work for the other maintenance employees who could be assigned to more value added work orders.
Denver diagnosed that the #1 I.D. Fan had a inner race defect. Management decided to shut the plant down and change the whole fan out. After losing six hours of planned production downtime the new fan had more vibration than the original. Another Chunkhausen Syndrome by Proxy moment!
by Wbr549 May 9, 2019
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