When a man puts on a aluminum cast condom and butt fucks his neighbor until the friction is too much and the heat melts the metal and casts the neighbors ass down to every detail imaginable
Average man: "hey bro you tryna Romanian Iron Fist tonight?"
Average mans neighbor: "yea bro, im down whenever"
by varxiq June 24, 2022
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A fellatio act that has been perfected over centuries in Romania. Its an adaptation of several different techniques, in which the male is in a seated position and the female gymnastically arcs the lower part of her body with her ass more specifically bumhole pointing into the males face.

The techniques include:

A chinese burn hand job working the shaft,

a sprial-like oral mopoofsof her mouth on the tip and mid shaft of the penis.

And the most important aspect during the course of this act she intermittently lefts of poofs of he ass gasses, untill the male climaxes at which point she proceeds to cover his face in chocolate thunder.
That chick gave me the romanian twissle wizzle last-night and besides the clean up, it was worth it
by Bob Johnson 69420 February 26, 2022
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No Romanians is a verb and also a phrase you use while doing it. It is mostly used in Swedish schools.
What you do is you finish a 33cl can of any drinkable liquid and place it on the ground. Then you want to stomp it so it becomes extremely flat. Multiple stomps may be required.
-Is there any soda in that?
-No dude. Why?
-You should totally pull a No Romanians on that.
-Yeah, of course dude.
by Tobdaze November 17, 2016
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Noun: When 2 or more people defecate into cups, and proceed to mix them up in a mixer. Then proceeds to drink the item produced.
Person 1: Yo, this bitch and I did a Romanian Cocktail the other day

Person 2: What the fuck is wrong with you.
by Crack dealer October 10, 2018
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When a girl lays face down with her ass in the air,cheeks spread, and a guy jumps off the top ropes into her ass
“Did you see Cyrstals ass. It looks like it would handle a Romanian Piledriver.”
by Joe the one August 25, 2020
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The negative effects after Ceausescu's assasination. Pretty much average weeb but fluent romanian. Most of the audience is a 50/50 chance of 18-21 year old girl and highschool males.
--I got a friend somewhere in balkans who watches a lot of Naruto and AoT
--Sorry fam but he or she is one of Romanian Weebs
by KendricKendricKendrick February 5, 2022
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