a very short form of the word 'because'
i went to walmart uz i needed more toothpaste
by goofproof July 6, 2005
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Another way of saying use
I uze the restroom.
by Rowl Walker April 8, 2018
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Ms. Vertis- Why did you fail the test?
Tyrone- 'uz
by Josephine Greene May 10, 2003
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Adj. From the word 'delicious'; used to describe anything particularly pleasing, often over IMs or texts.
Bob: Hey, there's a Metric concert down at the music box, if you're free.

Not Bob: Sounds d'lish-uz.
by Anjani Miette September 30, 2007
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a homosexual border hopper that loves transexuals. He obsess over women and love Laura and a lady i will refer to as B. She is his lover. She goes to EHS.
"Look at Uzee, he is more of a pansy then a garden!"
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A Mexican fag who is scared of butterflies, flowers, and such. He also thinks that he is "good" at lacrosse, and then he runs away from the ball when lobbed at him.
"Man look at Uzee over there, he is such a pansy."
by NewPerson April 14, 2004
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