Twittering IRL (in real life). Status updates and announcements made in real life interactions (e.g., in person or over the phone), but delivered in the style of a third person twitter, facebook status, etc.
Example #1 (Sitting in the same room):
Tam: Tam is going to the gym.
Dan: Thanks for twirling.

Example #2 (Standing in the kitchen together):
Dan: Dan just finished his coffee.
Dan: Dan is making more coffee.
Dan: Dan's out of sugar, ack!
Tam: Stop twirling!

Example #3 (Dan calls Matt):
Matt answers.
Dan: Dan is driving to the store to get coffee.
Dan hangs up.
Matt: wtf?
by gkarma November 10, 2008
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When you're really high on GHB.
I was really twriling last night.
by Me March 20, 2005
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A type of fingering;the fingers are spinned around inside the female.
I got twirled by Tim last night.
by Clamp July 17, 2008
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When a female is showing out to be noticed. Also can be negatively denoted to a fast easy woman
by HARdmeatBURriedWELL April 18, 2018
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A twirl motion is used when smoking meth out of a "hubble" (meth pipe). So comes the terminology of twirlin is for smokin meth!
Whatcha doin? I'm gonna go twirl by myself in the basement
by Willie Tutu February 14, 2011
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When the index and middle finger are taken and twisted around inside a female's vagina.
I got some twirl from Tim last night.
by Clamp August 9, 2008
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