A term used by people, (normally with the name of daniel) meaning you are scared or frightened just to be kool spelt with a K
"ooo00oo0oo0 my bootz, they haz fallen off and started to tremble!"

sounds like you got some Trembling boots...
by goldfish420 July 28, 2011
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Fear of relaxing the sphincter after a few days without a poo
Had my morning coffee with my partner this morning and got a case of the sphincter trembles, sat there smiling with fear of how this would play out.
by MellyMooster June 13, 2015
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the trembling sensation a man gets mid orgasm thinkin how awesome swayze is while nailing his "girlfriend". often yelling out "NO SWAYZE NO WAYZE!!" immediately after release.
Damn, last night i had an awesome trembling swayze! that fight scene popped in my head and she didn't know what hit her in the eye, till i yelled out NO SWAYZE NO WAYZE!!! Then she realized what i'd done. All i could say was sorry babe next time we shouldn't watch roadhouse for date night.
by cletus83 November 4, 2010
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when an emo kid at a show gets overwrought by fast licks and emotion and starts to shake all over with the music, often accompanied by fast tapping of his/her own chest.
by hpsauce February 17, 2005
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Post Cum Tremble is the sensation of cumming, minutes after actually cumming!!! A tremor….an aftershock.
10 minutes after we fucked; my body started shaking like I was nutting again, but there wasn’t any cum, just the feeling of it…. Post Cum Tremble…. Like the aftershock of an earthquake, after the earthquake!!
by The Mirakuru August 10, 2024
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something that resembles fun, at least accorting to bo burnham
Person 1: That rollercoaster was so gut trembling, dude!
Person 2: Sooooooooooooooo gut trembling, bro!
by 5billionping October 16, 2022
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