When something is extremly exiting.
Also when someone is good looking
Oh Shnap! I got tickets to the 50 Cent concert!
Oh Shnap! That girl is foine!
by greeny October 26, 2003
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Today has been such a tiring day, I'm going to go take a nice long shnap!
by shnapp.lover March 13, 2011
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A word used to express intense emotion, excitement, or aggravation.
Oh, schap bro, lets fuck shit up!
Oh, schap! I just rear-ended that girl's car!
by aaaaaaaa December 12, 2003
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O shnap i cant belive that you just said that
by hottiew/abodie March 11, 2009
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A short nap. Often the act of physically laying down without falling asleep.
Hey Sabrina, wanna take a shnap? I'm awful tired but I still want to go out on the town for a spell.
by brynliejohnston January 27, 2015
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To take a brief nap while taking a long shit, usually because one is so dehydrated while simultaneously very tired.
Jay took a nice shnap at the Kroeger since he refused to use even the VIP port-o-sans on the last day of Summer Camp
by TroyMcClure June 2, 2010
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a term used in a negitive manner, usually heard in a crowd of ghetto people.
person 1-"damn nigga, you forgot the Mc Eiht cd!"

person 2-"oh shnaps!"
by rob$ April 10, 2005
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